Are you tired of your old phone system? It probably takes quite a while to find a contractor to repair it. Technology is advancing all the time. Small businesses should consider the ease of a Hosted PBX. Here are examples of how this technology works for your business.

What is Hosted PBX?

Businesses buy cloud-based phone systems and calls are made and received through the internet or private links. Using the cloud makes private onsite phone systems almost obsolete. This technology helps to boost the bottom line for new businesses. Phone systems are often expensive and there’s no need to buy one nowadays. Rather, investing in a Hosted PBX with increased functionality and minimising costly phone bills.

Businesses with offices in different locations and countries benefit from saving on long-distance charges and segregated charges. Various offices all use the same phone system with a Cloud PBX or Hosted PBX. Calls from one office to another are handled like internal calls or On- Net calls. Consumers have a variety of plans to choose from. The different plans offer many ways to save including reduced rates for calls to mobile phones. Finally, cloud-systems are designed with scalability. The service scales to meet the company’s needs whether they increase or decrease extensions.

Easy Set-Up

There’s a lot of work involved when a traditional phone system is installed. Initially, the big carriers don’t handle installation, they only turn on the lines and outsource the setup. The company must find a private contractor to install the system. It may take several weeks to get the job done. Indeed, the contractor must drill holes to install wires to set up the onsite PBX. Moreover, the staff must be trained to use a new phone system. Hosted PBX is all securely hosted and can be implemented within hours by using a softphone or VoIP enabled Handset. It can in some cases only take a few minutes to get the system up and running.

Better Connectivity

Users connect to the system from anywhere in the world with VoIP (smartphone with VoIP software), a VoIP Handset, or a PC. Employees can easily work from home which is the new trend. Further, users may access all the system’s features for no extra charge. Features like call control and voice menu are available from a website portal. New features van be added as they become available. There’s no need to worry about the quality of internet calls as many improved internet services like NBN and Ethernet have helped with tech advances to help VoIP phones have guaranteed high-quality calls.

Helpful Information

Owners have an additional tool to enhance business performance. The server keeps statistics on information like missed calls and incoming calls. The information is presented using charts and graphs. There are many advantages to analysing call usage. In addition, hirers can review employee performance. Additionally, Cloud phone systems are more secure than traditional phone systems. There’s a team of IT professionals available to help with any situation. The service provider is responsible for security which includes firewalls and software updates.

Natural disasters can occur at any time. Traditional phone lines are susceptible to damage from flooding, storms, power outages, high winds, and other natural disasters. PBX providers have back-up servers that turn on automatically in the event of an emergency. Evolving technology gives consumers options. Cloud-Based phone service is an option everyone should consider.

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